申 请 号02255292.8 申 请 日: 2002.11.15名肩式螺旋牵引器公 开 (公) 号: CN2577802 公开(公告)日: 2003.10.08主 分 类 号: A61F5/048 分案原申请号:分 类 号: A61F5/048颁 证 日: 优 先 权:申请(专利权)人: 郭海滨地 址: 102300北京市门头沟区城子桥东街10号东院5号发 明 (设计)人: 郭海滨 国 际 申 请:国 际 公 布: 进入国家日期:专利 代理 机构: 山西太原科卫专利事务所 代 理 人: 朱源摘要本实用新型为肩式螺旋颈椎牵引器,包含由左右支柱和横梁构成的门式支架,与门式支架联接固定的颈部吊袋,左右支柱由中部套管、一端与中部套管固定且其上对称开有通槽的上支管和上端与中部套管固定、下端固定有肩托的下支管构成,左右支柱内设有由螺杆和锥齿轮构成的升降机构,与螺杆联接固定有牵引导杆,牵引导杆上联接固定有颈部吊袋。本实用新型所述的肩式螺旋颈椎牵引器将牵引的传动机构置于左右支柱内,结构合理、外型美观,具有牵引力的量化显示,使用方便。该牵引器的门式支架具有可折叠结构,不使用时可折叠放置,所需放置空间小且便于携带。【申请号】 02369636.2【申请日】 2002.11.11【名称】 颈椎牵引器【公开(公告)号】 CN3300763【公开(公告)日】 2003.06.11【主分类号】 24-04【分案原申请号】【分类号】 24-04【颁证日】【优先权】【申请(专利权)人】 郭海滨【地址】 102300北京市门头沟区城子桥东街10号东院5号【发明(设计)人】 郭海滨【国际申请】【国际公布】【进入国家日期】【专利代理机构】 山西太原科卫专利事务所【代理人】 朱源【摘要】【申请号】 02341886.9【申请日】 2002.12.26【名称】 牵引头套【公开(公告)号】 CN3326648【公开(公告)日】 2003.10.01【主分类号】 24-04【分案原申请号】【分类号】 24-04【颁证日】【优先权】【申请(专利权)人】 郭海滨【地址】 102300北京市门头沟区城子桥东街10号东院5号【发明(设计)人】 郭海滨【国际申请】【国际公布】【进入国家日期】【代理人】 朱源【摘要】回答者: lllooo
国际发明专利 号:WO 2005/065535 A1 什么内容?名SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SENSOR RECALIBRATION【申请号】:US04041856【申请日】:20041215【/公告:WO2005065535【公开/公】:20050721【国际申请号】:US04041856【国际申请日】:20041215【国际公布号】:WO2005065535【国际公布日】:20050721【申请/专利权人】:MEDTRONIC MINIMED, INC. ; ZHANG, Yanan ; WANG, Lu ; SHAH, Rajiv【发明/设计人】:ZHANG, Yanan ; WANG, Lu ; SHAH, Rajiv【国际主分类号】:A61B5/00【优先权项】:US10/751,327 20031230【摘要】:A system and method for calibrating a sensor. The method may include, without limitation, compiling an array of data relating to the sensor; adjusting a sensor parameter a first time based on data in the array; adjusting a curve representing the sensor output based on data in the array; and adjusting the sensor parameter a second time based on data in the array. The sensor may be an in vivo glucose sensor and the sensor parameter adjusted may be a current. The array may include historical as well as recent data, such as, for example, blood glucose readings and sensor electrode readings.如果你要自己查询更详细的资料,可以在佰腾专利检索中选择国外专利输入专利号进行查询。
国际发明专利 号:WO 2005/065535 A1 什么内容?输入http://www.wipo.int进入《世界知权组织》网站查询;————————————————————(12) International Application Status ReportReceived at International Bureau: 20 January 2005 (20.01.2005)Information valid as of: Not availableReport generated on: 19.01.2011(10) Publication number:WO2005/065535(43) Publication date:21 July 2005 (21.07.2005)(26) Publication language:English (EN)(21) Application Number:PCT/US2004/041856(22) Filing Date:15 December 2004 (15.12.2004)(25) Filing language:English (EN)(31) Priority number(s): (31) Priority date(s): (31) Priority status:10/751,327 (US) 30 December 2003 (30.12.2003) Priority document received (in compliancewith PCT Rule 17.1)(51) International Patent Classification:A61B 5/00 (2006.01)(71) Applicant(s):MEDTRONIC MINIMED, INC. [US/US]; 18000 Devonshire Street Northridge, CA 91325 (US) (for all designated states exceptUS)ZHANG, Yanan [US/US]; 25364 Via Palacio Valencia, CA 91355 (US) (for US only)WANG, Lu [CN/US]; 1115 Cordova Street, Unit 315 Pasadena, CA 91106 (US) (for US only)SHAH, Rajiv [US/US]; 28003 Lobrook Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 (US) (for US only)(72) Inventor(s):ZHANG, Yanan; 25364 Via Palacio Valencia, CA 91355 (US)WANG, Lu; 1115 Cordova Street, Unit 315 Pasadena, CA 91106 (US)SHAH, Rajiv; 28003 Lobrook Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 (US)(74) Agent(s):RITTMASTER, Ted, R.; Foley & Lardner LLP 2029 Century Park East Suite 3500 Los Angeles, CA 90067-3021 (US)(54) Title (EN): SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SENSOR RECALIBRATION(54) Title (FR): SYSTEME ET PROCEDE DE REETALONNAGE DE CAPTEUR(57) Abstract:(EN): A system and method for calibrating a sensor. The method may include, without limitation, compiling an array of datarelating to the sensor; adjusting a sensor parameter a first time based on data in the array; adjusting a curve representing the sensoroutput based on data in the array; and adjusting the sensor parameter a second time based on data in the array. The sensor may bean in vivo glucose sensor and the sensor parameter adjusted may be a current. The array may include historical as well as recentdata, such as, for example, blood glucose readings and sensor electrode readings.(FR): L'invention concerne un système et un procédé d'étalonnage d'un capteur. Ce procédé peut consister, entre autres, à compilerun réseau de données associé au capteur ; à ajuster un paramètre de capteur une première fois en fonction des données dans leréseau ; à ajuster une courbe représentant la sortie du capteur en fonction des données dans le réseau ; et à ajuster le paramètredu capteur une deuxième fois en fonction des données dans le réseau. Le capteur peut être un capteur de glucose in vivo et leparamètre de capteur ajusté peut être un courant. Le réseau peut comprendre des données historiques et des données récentes, parexemple, des mesures de glycémie et des mesures d'électrode de capteur.International search report:Received at International Bureau: 13 April 2005 (13.04.2005) [EP]International preliminary examination report:Chapter II demand received: 28 October 2005 (28.10.2005)(81) Designated States:AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG,ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG,MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR,TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZWEuropean Patent Office (EPO) : AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, MC, NL,PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TRAfrican Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) : BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TGAfrican Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) : BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,ZWEurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) : AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM
国际发明专利 号:WO 2005/065535 A1 什么内容?WO2005065535 SENSOR RECALIBRATION的系统和方WO2005065535 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SENSOR RECALIBRATION[用摘要进行概念搜索] 87%的标准化的定分传感器的 系统和方法。方法 包括,没有 极限,编译 数据阵列 有关 传感器; 在 数据输入 阵列上 调节 传感参数 第一 基于时间; 调节 基于 数据输入 阵列 表述 传感器输出 的 曲线; 并且 在 数据输入 阵列上 调节 传感参数 第二 基于时间。传感器 是调整后的 的 in vivo glucose 传感器 和 传感参数 是current。阵列 包括 历史的,以及 全新世 数据,如,例如,血糖含量 和 传感器电极 阅读。公司: MEDTRONIC MINIMED, INC.(美敦力 )发明人: Zhang, Yanan (25364 Via Palacio, Valencia, CA, 91355, US) | Wang, Lu (1115 Cordova Street, Unit 315 Pasadena, CA, 91106, US) | Shah, Rajiv (28003 Lobrook, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275, US)申请号: PCT/US2004/041856申请日: 2004-12-15公布日: 2005-07-21同族:WO2005065535 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SENSOR RECALIBRATION[用摘要进行概念搜索] 87%校准的标准化的定分度的 传感器 的 系统和方法。方法 包括,没有 极限,编译 数据阵列 有关 传感器; 在 数据输入 阵列上 调节 传感参数 第一 基于时间; 调节 基于 数据输入 阵列 表述 传感器输出 的 曲线; 并且 在 数据输入 阵列上 调节 传感参数 第二 基于时间。传感器 是调整后的 的 in vivo glucose 传感器 和 传感参数 是current。阵列 包括 历史的,以及 全新世 数据,如,例如,血糖含量 和 传感器电极 阅读。查看原文用主权利要求进行概念搜索73%校准的标准化的定分度的 传感器 包括 的 方法:编译 有关 传感器 的 数据阵列; 调节 传感器 的 标称功率 current,该传感器 第一 基于时间 在 数据输入 阵列; 并且 调节 基于 数据输入 标称功率 current 的 阵列 和 校正值 表述 传感器输出 的 曲线。查看原文图示公司: MEDTRONIC MINIMED, INC.发明人: Zhang, Yanan (25364 Via Palacio, Valencia, CA, 91355, US) | Wang, Lu (1115 Cordova Street, Unit 315 Pasadena, CA, 91106, US) | Shah, Rajiv (28003 Lobrook, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275, US)申请号: PCT/US2004/041856申请日: 2004-12-15公布日: 2005-07-21权利要求1. A method for calibrating a sensor comprising: compiling an array of data relating to the sensor; adjusting a nominal output current of the sensor a first time based on data in the array ; and adjusting a curve representing the sensor output based on data in the array and the adjusted value of the nominal output current.2. The method of Claim 1, wherein compiling an array comprises compiling historical data.3. The method of Claim 2, wherein the historical data comprises measured blood glucose readings.4. The method of Claim 1, wherein compiling an array comprises compiling recent data.5. The method of Claim 4, wherein the recent data comprises electrode readings.6. The method of Claim 5, wherein the electrode readings comprise glucose electrode readings and oxygen electrode readings.7. The method of Claim 4, wherein the recent data comprises measured blood glucose concentrations.8. The method of Claim 7, wherein the nominal output current is a nominal glucose current.9. The method of Claim 8, wherein the nominal glucose current is adjusted based on a shift of measured data points with respect to blood glucose readings.10. The method of Claim 9, wherein the shift is a mean shift.11. The method of Claim 1, wherein adjusting the curve representing the sensor output comprises performing a linear regression on data in the array.12. The method of Claim 11, wherein a result of the linear regression determines a first calibration point.13. The method of Claim 12, wherein the first calibration point is used to determine a plurality of calibration points.14. The method of Claim 1, wherein adjusting the curve representing the sensor output comprises adjusting the curve in a piecewise linear fashion.15. The method of Claim 14, wherein a number of pieces in the piecewise linear adjustment is five.16. The method of Claim 1, further comprising adjusting the nominal output current of the sensor a second time based on data in the array.17. The method of Claim 16, wherein the nominal output current is a nominal glucose current.18. The method of Claim 17, wherein the nominal glucose current is adjusted based on a shift of measured data points with respect to blood glucose readings.19. The method of Claim 18, wherein the shift is a mean shift.20. The method of Claim 1, further comprising establishing a new sensor output based on the adjusted curve and the twice adjusted sensor parameter.21. An implantable sensing system comprising: a sensor for sensing a biological parameter; a processor connected to the sensor for processing the parameter; and a drug delivery unit connected to the processor for responding to the processor based on the parameter, wherein the processor is programmed to adjust an output of the sensor by compiling an array of data relating to the sensor; adjusting a sensor parameter a first time based on data in the array; adjusting a curve representing the sensor output based on data in the array; and adjusting the sensor parameter a second time based on data in the array.22. The system of Claim 21, wherein the sensor is a glucose sensor.23. The system of Claim 21, wherein the drug delivery unit is an insulin pump.24. The system of Claim 21, wherein the insulin pump delivers insulin in response to the sensed parameter.25. The method of Claim 21, wherein compiling an array comprises compiling historical data.26. The method of Claim 25, wherein the historical data comprises measured blood glucose readings.27. The method of Claim 21, wherein compiling an array comprises compiling recent data.28. The method of Claim 27, wherein the recent data comprises glucose electrode readings and oxygen electrode readings.29. The method of Claim 27, wherein the recent data comprises measured blood glucose concentrations.30. The method of Claim 21, wherein adjusting a sensor parameter a first time comprises adjusting a nominal glucose current.31. The method of Claim 21, wherein adjusting the curve representing the sensor output comprises performing a linear regression on data in the array.32. The method of Claim 21, wherein adjusting the curve representing the sensor output comprises adjusting the curve in a piecewise linear fashion.33. A sensor calibration system comprising: means for compiling an array of data relating to the sensor; means for adjusting a sensor parameter a first time based on data in the array; means for adjusting a curve representing the sensor output based on data in the array; and means for adjusting the sensor parameter a second time based on data in the array.34. A method for calibrating a sensor comprising: generating a calibration curve based on a priori empirical values; compiling a plurality of data values from the sensor; compiling independent historical values of a parameter sensed by the sensor; and reconciling the plurality of data values from the sensor to the calibration curve using the independent historical values.35. The method of Claim 34, wherein the sensor is a glucose sensor.36. The method of Claim 34, wherein generating a calibration curve comprises compiling a priori empirical values of sensors similar to the sensor being calibrated.37. The method of Claim 34, wherein generating a calibration curve comprises generating a calibration curve representing a sensor having a plurality of phases.38. The method of Claim 34, wherein the independent historical values of a parameter sensed by the sensor are metered blood glucose values.39. The method of Claim 34, wherein reconciling the plurality of data values comprises adjusting an output current of the sensor.40. The method of Claim 39, wherein the output current of the sensor is a nominal glucose current.41. The method of Claim 40, wherein the nominal glucose current is adjusted based on a shift of the plurality of data values from the sensor with respect to metered blood glucose values.42. The method of Claim 34, wherein reconciling the plurality of data values comprises performing a linear regression on the plurality of data values.43. The method of Claim 34, wherein reconciling the plurality of data values is performed in a piecewise linear fashion.
